Step into the enveloping warmth of our 90-degree "Heated Vinyasa" class, where the harmonious blend of breath and movement creates a potent, strength-building experience. In this dynamic session, you'll navigate through a sequence that not only deepens your strength and flexibility but also fosters resilience in the mind. Each posture and transition is an opportunity to build core stability and muscular strength, all while encouraging a detoxifying sweat. This class is crafted to be both accessible and challenging, allowing you to explore your physical boundaries and tap into a sense of inner bliss. At Kalā, we believe in the transformative power of heat coupled with a mindful practice that fortifies both body and spirit. Join us on this heated journey to elevate your practice, release tension, and immerse in the vibrant energy of our community.


Immerse yourself in the fluidity and grace of our "Vinyasa Flow" class, set in a comfortable room with a gentle temperature of 75-80 degrees. This class weaves breath with movement in a rhythmic flow that strengthens the body, soothes the mind, and uplifts the spirit. As you glide through a series of postures, each one building upon the last, you'll cultivate balance, agility, and a deep sense of inner harmony. Our Vinyasa Flow is designed to be both grounding and exhilarating, offering a space for you to explore your limits and expand your capabilities. Whether you're seeking to enhance your flexibility, build muscular endurance, or simply find a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle of daily life, this class provides the perfect blend of challenge and serenity.


Inspired by the Ashtanga Yoga style, this modified primary class will allow you to build strength and flexibility in both body and mind. Each time we’ll focus on one pose or important transition. While there is no music in Astanga practice, you’ll be guided by the glorious sounds of your ujjayi breath!


Step onto your mat and embark on a journey to unlock new levels of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Our Intermediate/Advanced class is tailor-made for yogis with a strong foundation who crave an exhilarating challenge.

Class Highlights:

  • Deepen Your Practice: Elevate your yoga journey by delving into poses that push your boundaries both mentally and physically.

  • Exploring New Heights: Experience the thrill of inversions, master arm balances, and conquer postures demanding strength and flexibility.

  • Your Pace, Your Practice: This class is your canvas; paint it as you wish. Progress at your own pace and embrace modifications that resonate with your practice.

Unlock the full potential of your practice and discover what lies beyond your comfort zone. Join us in the Intermediate/Advanced class and make every session a new opportunity to evolve.


Tap into your “powerhouse” - a.k.a. your core abdominals, lower back muscles, pelvic floor, hips and glutes. Through a series of low impact floor exercises, this workout helps to build, sculpt and tone your muscles, helping them to burn calories during and after class! Pilates is a wonderful compliment to any yoga or fitness routine. Classes are heated to 85-90 degrees.


Build strength, endurance, and condition your body for all that life throws at it. A circuit-style workout with body-weight exercises, free weights and cardio elements, Strength and Conditioning will get your heartrate up and use resistance to build strength and tone muscle. This class is the perfect compliment to a regular yoga practice.


This class is the perfect compliment to a regular yoga practice. You’ll combine free weights, squats, lunges, yoga postures, cardio, and upbeat tunes to build lean muscle strength, tone your body and boost metabolism. Remember to bring your water bottle!


Unwind in this restorative class that uses bolsters and blocks to set your body up for total relaxation. The use of various props to support the body in positions of comfort and ease is designed to facilitate relaxation and improved health, gently encouraging your body into a state of equanimity.


Long holds in intense stretches will melt your consciousness (and body) open. Relaxing your connective tissue and fascia, your body will respond by making it longer and stronger. Strong Yin will challenge and confront all parts of you, and you choose the degree to which you scale things up or down. In either case, you’ll increase flexibility in the physical being and mind, one breath at a time. A perfect complement to your vinyasa practice in promoting awareness, we’ll end class with a brief flow to embrace the opening created. Be prepared to go deep.


Immerse yourself in the warm embrace of our 75-minute "Heated Vinyasa to Yin" class, where the invigorating energy of Vinyasa meets the tranquil depths of Yin Yoga in a room heated to 90 degrees. Begin with an energizing Heated Vinyasa sequence, focusing on breath-led movements that build strength, flexibility, and inner bliss. As the heat loosens muscles and encourages flexibility, you'll find yourself diving deeper into each posture. The class culminates with 20 minutes of Yin Yoga, inviting you into a world of prolonged, restorative stretches that target connective tissues and promote profound relaxation. This balanced fusion offers a holistic experience that enhances flexibility, releases stress, and nurtures complete well-being, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and centered. Join us for this transformative journey from movement to stillness, heat to surrender.


This vinyasa based Community Yoga Class is taught by rotating instructors who are graduates from Kala's Yoga Teacher Training or new yoga teachers on our amazing Work Exchange Team! These classes are offered on a donation basis to the community. It's a great way to allow a space for all to practice and for aspiring yoga teachers to blossom in their teaching skills!


Join us and allow yourself to be guided through a short 10 minute meditation. Learn how to arrange your posture, set a motivation, be with your breath, and dedicate your practice. No experience is necessary. This class is donation based, with a suggested donation of $5. Kala Yoga will donate 25% of all meditation revenue to the Sakya Center.


Yoga nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known, is an immensely powerful meditation & relaxation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. Students lay down and rest comfortably in a reclined posture (savasana) while the teacher guides you through an entire body relaxation and journey of the consciousness that will help you transform. You'll leave with a sense of wholeness and deep relaxation.