Heated Vinyasa, Strength + Conditioning, Tone & Flow, Heated Pilates, Acupuncture Treatment
Carly began practicing Yoga in order to complement her dance training. After graduating from NYU with a B.F.A. in Dance, Carly went on to complete her ERYT-200 hour and 100 hour traditional hot trainings with Yoga to the People. She also trained at Refine Method to teach HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) classes that emphasize functional movement.
As a mover from a young age, Carly focuses on the structure of the body and the efficiency that is possible when using movement and breath. She loves being able to offer people the opportunity to develop a yoga practice that will ultimately help them in body, mind, and spirit.
Carly will be graduating with an M.S. in Traditional Oriental Medicine in December, 2023 and will be going on to become a licensed acupuncturist. She’s excited to now be incorporating her Chinese Medicine training and a deeper understanding of the body into her classes. Carly uses her vast knowledge of and interest in the human body to create yoga and fitness classes that are challenging but fulfilling and even fun!